Unlikely Collaboration Pushing New Water Public Safety Standards

On Thursday, SB 918 (Pavley), co-sponsored by the Planning and Conservation League and Water ReUse and supported by an unlikely array of environmental groups and water agencies, came off of the Senate Suspense file for a vote by the full floor next week. The bill helps to increase the amount of recycled water in California by directing the Department of Public Health to develop new criteria to inform statewide public safety standards for recycled water. Statewide standards will be much more efficient and attractive to investors than creating new standards on a project by project basis. 

If passed, Pavley’s bill will help California reach its recycled water target and could supply up to 4 million acre feet of water per year; which is more water than the State Water Project supplies in most years.

SB 918 will remove the obstacles to developing this safe, cost effective, and drought proof source of new water for California. For this reason, it is drawing support from diverse interest groups and from both sides of the aisle.

It will be heard on the Senate Floor next week. Please contact your State Senator and ask for their AYE vote to set statewide safety standards in order utilize this vital resource for all Californians.