California 2020: A Vision for the Next Decade

JANUARY 29, 2011

2011 symposium logoThe Planning and Conservation League (PCL) and PCL Foundation hosted an Environmental Legislative Symposium. This annual event brought together 271 activists, business leaders, planners, policy and decision makers, environmental non-profits, students and attorneys.

The Symposium theme for 2011 was “California 2020: A Vision for the Next Decade.” Expert speakers and decision makers brought current information on environmental issues and innovative policy solutions to the table on water, land use and environmental protection. We had some of the most well attended sessions in this event than ever before.


The 2011 Symposium was designed to equip participants with the tools to remedy critical environmental concerns. It included dynamic keynote presentations, interactive panel discussions, “How To…” workshops, MCLE courses, and an awards luncheon. During lunch, PCL and PCL Foundation honored five of California’s most effective, inspirational, and hard working environmental advocates. We also launched our PCL Ambassador program where participants could opt to sit with an environmental expert and receive specific information on one of 14 different topics.

Symposium Materials