CEQA: Celebrating Over 40 Years of Environmental Protection

The California Environmental Quality Act is the state’s premier environmental law. For over forty years CEQA has empowered Californians to protect the state in all of its diversity: from safeguarding the urban environment to conserving California’s magnificent coasts, forest mountains, farmland and more. It has also provided a critical framework for government accountability.

In its recent history, many have tried to weaken or comprise the integrity of CEQA. It is repeatedly a favorite last-minute ploy in state budget negotiations and each year numerous pieces of legislation have been introduced attempting to handout legislative free passes to financially and politically persuasive special interests groups.

Now entering the final stretch of budget negotiations and entering the new two-year legislative session. PCL thought we would highlight a few CEQA victories of over the course of over four decades, as a reminder why CEQA’s defense is crucial. Our new “CalHeroes” website features stories from the immensely popular Everyday Heroes Protect the Air We Breathe, the Water We Drink, and the Natural Areas We Prize publication. Click here to read the stories of defenders and champions of CEQA.