TAKE ACTION: Ask Governor Newsom to Sign SB 571 For Better Fire Evacuation Planning!

Climate-induced natural disasters are here and threatening lives and property across our state – as we send this alert today – over 50,000 Californains are under wildfire evacuation orders. At the end of August, the California Legislature passed SB 571, championed by Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica). This bill provides for interagency coordination toward a report laying the groundwork to create much-needed evacuation planning standards for development in high-risk areas. We need your support to urge Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature on SB 571. Read more »

TAKE ACTION: Take Action Today to Urge Governor Newsom to Sign AB 460!

On August 30, the Legislature passed AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan), which increases fines for illegally violating water diversion curtailment orders. Under AB 460, these fines would finally reach the level needed to deter violations, protecting downstream users and the environment. This bill targets only those who breach existing laws. To prepare for the worst impacts of climate change, California needs the ability to enforce our water management laws and deter violations that hurt all users on the system. Read more »

TAKE ACTION: Don’t let them gut the Habitat Conservation Fund!

As you read this, the California State Legislature and Governor Newsom are moving to defy the will of voters who passed Proposition 117 in 1990 and wipe out funding for the wildly successful Habitat Conservation Fund. As lawmakers and the governor move to finalize the budget by the end of June, your voice is essential to send a clear message that they need to reverse course and protect the fund. Please take action today! Read more »