Saltworks: Report Finds Project High in Sodium, Low in Public Support

A recent poll of registered Redwood City voters found the majority of the city’s residents oppose the Redwood City Saltworks Project. The development project, proposed by Arizona based DMB Associates and Cargill Inc., would be the largest on the shores of the San Francisco Bay in 50 years. The project includes 12,000 housing units, as well as commercial and public facilities, in sensitive wetland habitat susceptible to sea-level rise. The community members of Redwood City are now joining the ranks of environmental groups, surrounding cities and dozens of elected officials, in actively opposing the development of the Saltworks project.

The Saltworks project has been heavily scrutinized for its negative environmental repercussions and its impact on already strain Redwood Citywater supplies. The poll also found that 78 percent of respondents agree the project will create too much traffic and that 64 percent support the restoration of the salt ponds into tidal marsh for fish and wildlife.