The information provided below is for the 2023 California Environmental Assembly. If you have any questions, please contact us at Thank you!

The 2023 Assembly virtual sessions were held once a week each Thursday starting January 19th and ending on February 9th. There were two sessions per day, with the first one starting at 9 am and the second one starting at 10:45 am with the exception of our panels on February 2nd, our first panel that day started at 9 am, our second at 10:45 am, and our third panel started at 12:30 pm and ran until 2 pm (due to accommodating state legislators’ schedules).


Panel 1: Aligning State Mandates with Local Creativity

Panel 2: New Housing Law and Sustainable Communities: What’s working, What’s Not

Panel 3: How Do We Make Massive Methane Emission Reductions Now?

Panel 4: Can Offshore Wind in Federal Waters be Responsible?

Panel 5: Can Modular Nuclear Reactors Help Save The Planet?

Panel 6: Mandatory Success Criteria for Evacuation Plans

Panel 7: AB 2438 and Beyond: bringing CA’s transportation spending into alignment with our Climate and Equity goals

Panel 8: Creating Paths from Dams to Aquifers

Panel 9: Updating California Water Laws in the Face of Droughts/Climate Change #2

Q&A and Chat Logs

Panel #1 Aligning State Mandates with Local Creativity


Panel #2 New Housing Law and Sustainable Communities: What’s Working and What’s Not


Panel #3 Can We Make Massive Methane Reductions Now?

No Chat was posted during the panel  Q&A

Panel #4 Can Offshore Wind In Federal Waters Be Responsible?

No Chat was posted during the panel Q&A

Panel #5 Can Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Help Save the Planet?


Panel #6 Wildfire Evacuation Planning and Project Citing and Design


Panel #7 AB 2438 and Beyond: Bringing CA’s Transportation Spending into Alignment with our Climate and Equity Goals

No Chat was posted during the panel    Q&A

Panel #8 Creating Paths from Dams to Aquifers


Panel #9 Updating California Water Laws in the Face of Droughts and Climate Change



Day One – January 19th:

Panel #1 State Mandates & Local Creativity

Ashley Werner

Beverly Palmer

Ivanka Sanders

Panel #2 Sustainable Housing (No slides presented)

Day Two – January 26th:

Panel #3 Methane

Deborah Gordon

Ken Alex

Scott Kelley

Riley Duren

Panel #4 Offshore Wind

Amber Hewett

Day Three – February 2nd:

Panel #5 Modular Nuclear Reactors

Alice Caponiti

Christine King

Mike Laufer

Panel #6 Fire Evacuation (No slides – see chat log above for panel bullet points)

Panel#7 Transportation Spending (no slides presented)

Day Four – February 9th:

Panel #8 Aquifers

Julie Rentner – River Partners

Aquifer Panel-Kamyar Guivetchi & Ajay Goyal-DWR

Matt Zidar San Jaoquin Cnty

California Water Resources doc with links (Click Here)

Panel #9 Water Law Updates

Updating California Water Laws to Address Drought and Climate Change

Updating California Water Laws—Summary

If you would like to support PCL’s efforts in organizing the 2023 Assembly or our work in general, click here to donate to the organization.

Click here to go back to the Assembly webpage.

A Big Thank You to all of our sponsors for making this event happen!

Gold Sponsors

Chatten-Brown, Carstens & Minteer, LLP
National Wildlife Federation
Sage Sweetwood

Silver Sponsors

Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP

Bronze Sponsors

Mogavero Architects, Inc.
Lozeau Drury, LLP
Mitchell M Tsai, Attorney at Law
Kevin K. Johnson, APLC
Remy Moose Manley, LLP

Emerging Sponsors

Center for Biological Diversity
Marin Conservation League

Contributing Sponsors

Andy Sawyer & Carol Bingham
Environmental Defense Center
Holland & Knight
Monica Hunter
Margie Kay
Valley Land Alliance